Roger Manins
Happy Place Cover.jpg


Nock / Manins TWO-OUT

FWM Records / 2015


Hip Flask 2

Rattle Records / 2014



Rattle Records / 2014

NZ Album of the Year 2019-20!

NZ Album of the Year 2019-20!

Selected tracks from my albums

From Trio  Marty White

From Latitude  Well You Needn't

From Hip Flask 1 John Scon

From Hip Flask 1 Jacqueline Grace

From Hip Flask 1 Bang

From DOG Road to Damascus

From DOG Sounds like Orange

From Two Out

From Two Out

From Two Out 



Hip Flask Live 


Here are some videos of current and past projects

HIPFLASK2  Revolution: This video was taken at the studio and is featured on the album, featuring Roger Manins, Stu Hunter ( he composed the tune also), Adam Ponting and Brendan Clarke



GRG67- This is my main Auckland based band

Here playing 'Bennetts Radio Blues" MANINS



Grg67 Plays 'GRG67'  (Manins)



Australian National Jazz Orchestra featuring Matt Jodrell and Roger Manins: PS- They had a unsuitable mic for the sax on this recording.  



DOG PLAY: didel didel dei (Holland)This is my other 'main band' in Auckland. A collaborative effort between myself, Oli Holland, Ron Samsom and Kevin Field






It was a great pleasure to collaborate UK Guitarist Rob Luft and Bassist Tim Robertson on this: Third Stream Trio featuring Roger Manins, Rob Luft, Tim Robertson and Chris O'Connor 




I Got Rhythm: Manins with Steve Barry, Simon Barker and Alex Boneham live at BOHEMIAN GROVE, SYDNEY



Roger Manins with Jamie Oehlers, Frank Gibson and Olivier Holland " On Green Dolphin St"



Mike Nock, Roger Manins' But Beautiful"



Manins, James Muller, Mike Nock, Cameron Undy, David Goodman "Acceptance" 



Showa 44 Free Improvisation with Carl Dewhurst and Simon Barker



Neutrino Jazz Funk Experience: Ron Samsom, Roger Manins, Cameron McArthur and Grant Winterburn



Manins, Olivier Holland, Ron Samsom and Florian Ross



Manins, Michel Benebig, Ron Samson and Carl Lockett play Theme from MASH

Roger Manins Quartet play Weave of Dreams

With The Phil Broadhurst Quintet: 


Selected Discography

Phil Broadhurst Quintet: Panacea
(Rattle / Victoria 2016) 
Tui NZ Jazz album of the year 2016 

The Rodger Fox Big Band Plays New Zealand  
(Rattle 2016)

Two Out (FWM 2015)

DOG (Rattle/Victoria 2015)  

Neutrino Funk Jazz Experience: Acetone
( Rattle/ Victoria 2015)

Phil Broadhurst Flauberts Dance
(Rattle/ Victoria 2013)

(Rattle / Victoria 2013

Reuben Bradley Mantis
(Rattle / Victoria 2012)

Born into This, The Music Of Rattle
(Rattle/ Victoria 2012)

Carolina Moon Mother Tongue, Songs from the Medieval Heart of Judeo Spain
(ODE 2011)

Weaver of Dreams (Rufus/Universal 2011)

Samsom Nacey Haines Oxide (Rattle/ Victoria 2011)

Delayed Reaction (Rattle/ Victoria 2011)

Samurai Spirit-Japan Benefit Compilation ( Rufus/ Universal 2011)

Duets (Ode/Manu 2010)

2 Sides of the Same Coin (Ode 2010)

Reuben Bradley Resonator
(Rattle/ Victoria) -Tui NZ Jazz album of the year 2010

Solar (Rufus/ Universal 2009)

Simon Sweeny Sextet ( ABC Jazz 2009)

Whirimako Black Sings ( MAI 2007) 

Caroline Moon 'East of the Sun' ( 2007)

Vaughn Roberts "Grrreat Stuff "
(Rata Records 2006)
Tui NZ Jazz album of the year

Leonie Cohen 'Jerusalem'
( Jazzgroove 2005)

Mike Nock Big Small Band 'Live' ( FWM 2002)

James Muller "Thrum" (ABC Jazz 2001)



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